Summer Program in EnglishT[24N3047]

Course Title
Summer Program in EnglishT[24N3047]
Summer Program in EnglishT
科目区分・科目種 全学共通科目 クラス 全学科
コンピテンシー ◎批判的思考力,○協働力,○創造的思考力
単位数 2.0単位 履修年次 14

学期 前集中

1. サマープログラム受講を希望する学生は、4月12日(金)または4月15日(月)(両日共に12:20〜13:10、国際交流学生プラザ2F 多目的ホール)に実施する「サマープログラム履修説明会」に参加してください。
2. 履修者向けオリエンテーション 7月19日(金)17:00〜国際交流学生プラザ2F 多目的ホール に参加してください。

■サマープログラムに関する問い合わせ: (サマープログラム事務局)


There is no assigned text for this course. However, each of the four lecturers may assign readings for their lectures. Instructions for readings and PDF files will be given to students over Moodle and/or email ahead of time.



小論文(レポート)=50%,授業への参加態度=50%(includes submission of reaction papers for each class and active participation in discussions)

Sub-course Theme: Gender, Globalization, and Diversity in Contemporary Japan

This course looks at how contemporary Japanese society is changing in the context of both global and domestic social pressures with a special focus on the consequences of these changes for gender and diversity. From social welfare to employment, immigration, gender equity and inclusion, contemporary Japan is facing a range of policy and social issues that will shape Japanese society in the coming decades. How is Japan adapting to our changing world, and what challenges and hurdles remain going forward?

The format of this course is a series of lectures taught by various lecturers with a range of areas of expertise, giving the course an interdisciplinary dimension. All lectures will be held face-to-face in the classroom, between 9:30 AM and 12:40 PM each day.

NOTE: While this course is an intensive two-week course, the total number of classroom lectures plus the field trip is equal to 15 periods (15コマ)

22 July , 9:30-12:40(計2コマ)
担当者:キャロル マイルズ Myles CARROLL
テーマ:Globalization, Gender and Diversity in Contemporary Japanese Political Economy I: Employment
内容:In the post-war era, Japan experienced rapid economic growth, near zero unemployment, and relatively low income inequality. Despite these achievements, women faced significant barriers to labor market participation. Moreover, recent decades have witnessed economic stagnation, growing inequality, and economic precariousness, pointing to problems with the old system. What made Japan's employment regime so effective in the post-war era and how is it responding to the challenges posed by globalization and the push for greater gender equality?
23 July , 9:30-12:40(計2コマ)
担当者:キャロル マイルズ Myles CARROLL
テーマ:Globalization, Gender and Diversity in Contemporary Japanese Political Economy II: Welfare
内容:Building on the first lecture, this class examines Japan's welfare regime, from the post-war to the present. While Japan was well known for having a small welfare state in the post-war era, recent decades have seen rapid population aging, a chronically low birth rate, and growing economic insecurity for many people, all of which have necessitated a major rethink of Japan's welfare state. How is Japan adapting to the challenges posed by globalization and demographic change and what are the consequences for gender equality and inclusion?
24 July , 13:30-17:30(計3コマ)
担当者:キャロル・マイルズ Myles CARROLL
テーマ:Lecture and Workshop at Dentsu Japan, Shimbashi Office(Field Trip)
For this year’s field trip, we will visit the headquarters of Dentsu Japan, one of Japan’s leading advertising companies. The field trip will first involve a lecture from company staff about the company’s empowerment, diversity, and inclusion initiatives in relation to both Dentsu's corporate governance human resource policies and its work in advertisement content creation. After that we will participate in Dentsu’s interactive workshop activities related to course themes.
26 July , 9:30-12:40(計2コマ)
担当者:キャロル マイルズ Myles CARROLL
テーマ:Globalization, Gender and Diversity in Contemporary Japanese Political Economy III: Migration
内容:This lecture looks at the question of immigration and ethno-cultural diversity in Japan. While Japan is often thought of as a monoethnic, monocultural society, this impression hides the reality of various minority groups that have lived in Japan since the pre-war era of Japanese imperialism and before. Moreover, recent years of population decline, labor shortages and economic stagnation have driven a gradual shift towards the acceptance of foreign workers. How will this shift to a more open immigration system impact Japanese society and what challenges and opportunities await?
27 July , 9:30-12:40(計2コマ)
担当者:大橋 史恵 Fumie OHASHI
テーマ:Gender and Migration in Japan: Focusing on Economies of Care and Intimacy
内容:Although Japan is one of the top destination countries for international migrants, many people tend to think of Japan as ethnically and culturally homogeneous compared to other countries. One reason behind such false recognition may be because migrants are likely to be regarded as temporary labor resources, not as people who are deeply involved in every-day social relations in Japan. This class will explore the globalized economy of care and intimacy in Japan, focusing on the experiences of migrant women in this realm. By critically looking into the intersection of gender and migration, we will discuss how globalization affects interpersonal and intergenerational relations at migrant-receiving and migrant-sending countries.
29 July , 9:30-12:40(計2コマ)
担当者:大多和 直樹 Naoki OTAWA
テーマ:Youth culture and cultural diversity in Japan: Japanese culture in globalization
内容:This class examines the current state of Japanese youth culture and pop culture from a sociological perspective, with a focus on the underground idol scene from the 2010s onward. First, we will examine the situation of "late youth" in the context of the extension of the youth period. Second, we will introduce the underground idol scene, which has been established through the involvement of various fan groups, including the "late youth". We will also examine the possibilities and problems associated with this scene.
30 July , 9:30-12:40(計2コマ)
担当者:畠山 由香子 Yukako HATAKEYAMA
テーマ:Culture and Perception: How are perceptual processes influenced by culture?
内容:In the current world of diversity, people from various cultural backgrounds get together, share ideas, and have discussions. Culture may influence our way of thinking and communication, but do people from different cultures perceive things differently? In this lecture, students will explore how culture may or may not influence perception through simple experiments, discussions, and group work. The findings reported in research papers and books will be introduced as supplemental materials. The lecture is interactive, involves pair and group work, and welcomes student participation.

You will be expected to write a brief reaction paper after each of the seven days of class (including the field trip). Grades for reaction papers will be included in your participation grade for the course.

