Special Lectures in Humanities and Sciences V[24S0153]

Course Title
Special Lectures in Humanities and Sciences V[24S0153]
Special Lectures in Humanities and Sciences V
科目区分・科目種 共通科目(前期課程)修了要件外 クラス 博士課程共通
コンピテンシー ◎批判的思考力,○創造的思考力
単位数 2.0単位 履修年次 12

担当教員 河野 能知
学期 前集中

1.サマープログラム受講希望する学生は、4月12日(金)または4月15日(月)(両日共に、12:20〜13:10、国際交流留学生プラザ2F 多目的ホール)に実施される「サマープログラム履修説明会」に参加してください。
2.履修者向けオリエンテーション 7月19日(金)17:00〜 国際交流留学生プラザ2F 多目的ホール に参加してください。





発表=35% (A short report on each lecture),授業への参加態度=65% (Active participation to the lectures)

The theme of this course is: Natural science: basic questions and applications

Basic research in natural science aims to deepen our understanding of nature from various perspectives. There have been many progress during the last century in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology which made their ways to applications affecting our daily life, such as mobile phones, various materials and vaccines etc. Also, computing and information science developed rapidly since its invention and by now they are accelerating research in all disciplines. Behind these technological developments are the steady progress in basic science which are driven by researchers desire to answer basic questions in nature. The lectures would offer opportunities to hear about the fundamental questions which are motivating the current research and examples in different areas of science.

Orientation (Takanori Kono)
Date: July 19 (Fri) 17:00-

Lecturer: Minoru Soda [左右田 稔(物理学科)]
Title: Magnetism, dielectricity, and multiferroics
Date: July 23 (Tue) 9:30-12:40
Abstract: Magnetic and dielectric materials have been used in various applications. Magnetic and dielectric properties of materials are responded by the magnetic and electric fields, and these properties are discussed by the magnetic and electric dipole moments. Recently, strong coupling between magnetism and dielectricity has attracted great attention. In some materials, an electric polarization P is controlled by a magnetic field H, and a magnetization M is also changed by an electric field E. This is known as the magnetoelectric (ME) effect. In the linear ME effect, in which P and M are in proportion to H and E, respectively, the coupling constant is small. In contrast, the ME effect in multiferroics where an electric polarization and a magnetic order coexist is nonlinear and strongly enhanced. In this lecture, I will talk about the fundamental magnetism and dielectricity, and the recent topics of the unique relationship between the magnetism and dielectricity.

Lecturer: Takanori Kono [河野 能知(物理学科)]
Title: Subatomic physics and particle detection
Date: July 24 (Wed) 9:30-12:40
Abstract: Understanding the fundamental building blocks of nature is a very basic question in science. The discovery of the atomic structure of matter has been a great milestone in modern science. In the first part of the lecture, I will review our current understanding of the microscopic structure beyond atoms. In the second part, I will explain experimental techniques to detect individual particles and how we can derive physical picture from observed data.

Lecturer: Sin Yi Tsang [ツァン シンイー(数学科)]
Date: July 25 (Thu) 9:30-12:40
Title: An Introduction to Group Theory and its Applications
Abstract: A group is a set equipped with a binary operation satisfying certain axioms. For example, the integers modulo $n$ form a group under addition and the non-zero real numbers form a group under multiplication. We shall see some other examples of groups in the lecture. After a brief introduction to group theory, we shall discuss some of its applications, in check digit algorithm, cryptography, and Rubik cube, for example.

Lecturer: Takayuki Itoh [伊藤 貴之(情報学科)]
Date: July 26 (Fri) 9:30-12:40
Title: Computer Graphics and Information Visualization
Abstract: Recent computer graphics techniques archived realistic and fine representations. It has the power to convert data into visual messages. The former part of this class introduces fundamental computer graphics techniques that are used in various industries including engineering design and entertainment. The latter part introduces information visualization techniques that make visual
representations of daily information.

Lecturer: Mitsuhiko Miyazaki [宮ア 充彦(化学科)]
Title: Molecules, light, and colors. The quantum chemical foundations
Date: July 31 (Wed) 9:30-12:40
Abstract: The appearance of a substance that we see originates from interaction between light and molecules composing the substance, and is finally recognized by our brain through neural action. To understand this phenomenon, it is required to know both molecules and light based on quantum chemistry. In this lecture, I would like to explain fundamentals of what is the color of a matter and what happens to the energy of light, based on quantum chemistry of molecules and light.

Lecturer: Hiromu Monai [毛内 拡(生物学科)]
Topic: A brief history of brain science research and development of the tool of neuroscience
Date: August 1 (Thu) 9:30-11:00
Abstract: In this lecture, we will review the fundamental discoveries of the brain and how our
understanding of the brain and mind has evolved. We will also explore the technological advancements developed to monitor brain activity, as the functioning of the living brain is not visible to the naked eye. Researchers have faced significant challenges in observing this "invisible brain function," but their curiosity and passion have led to recent breakthroughs in neuroscience.

Topic: How to make your brain smarter
Date: August 1 (Thu) 11:10-12:40
Abstract: Astrocytes are a kind of brain cell. We thought they were supporting cells for neurons for a long time, such as maintenance of the extracellular environment and energy supply to neurons.
But now we know they are doing more than that. Our lab has developed a system to observe neuronal and astrocytic activities using calcium fluorescence imaging in living mice. When we electrically stimulate the brain with a weak direct current, calcium levels in astrocytes go up, making the transmission between neurons more efficient and enhancing the mice's sensory functions. But detectable neuronal activities didn't show any apparent changes during stimulations. Also, animals with more developed intelligence and cognitive functions, like cats or humans, have more astrocytes per neuron. That is why we think astrocytes are essential for brain functions.

Field trip (National Museum of Nature and Science)
Date: July 29 (Mon)13:30-



サマープログラムについての一般な問い合わせはサマープログラム事務局, ocha-summer[@]cc.ocha.ac.jp まで連絡ください。