Summer Program in EnglishU[24N3049]

Course Title
Summer Program in EnglishU[24N3049]
Summer Program in EnglishU
科目区分・科目種 全学共通科目 クラス 全学科
コンピテンシー ◎批判的思考力,◎他者理解力,◎省察的思考力
単位数 2.0単位 履修年次 14

学期 前集中

1.サマープログラム受講希望する学生は、4月12日(金)または4月15日(月)(両日共に、12:20〜13:10、国際交流留学生プラザ2F 多目的ホール)に実施される「サマープログラム履修説明会」に参加してください。
2.履修者向けオリエンテーション 7月19日(金)17:00〜 国際交流留学生プラザ2F 多目的ホール に参加してください。

■サマープログラムに関する問い合わせ: (サマープログラム事務局)




小論文(レポート)=Reaction paper and/or oral presentation or practical exercise completed during the class (50%),授業への参加態度=Class attendance (50%)

The theme of this course is: "Exploring Human Life and Environmenal Sciences: Perspectives on Health, Society, and Technology"
This comprehensive program, a collaborative effort of the Human-Environmental Science Department, Human Life Science Department, Nutrition Department, and Psychology Department, delves into various facets of health, society, and technology. Specifically, it examines the relationship between modern lifestyles and health, addressing this issue in light of recent scientific findings in the field of human diet and physical behavior. The exploration extends beyond biological aspects to encompass the influence of social norms, cultural assets, and overall well-being. When relevant, discussions will be enriched with references and data specifically directed to Japanese society and its people, offering participants valuable insights applicable to both global and Japanese perspectives.

Day and Time: July 22 Mon 9:30am-11:00am
Lecturer: Iida Kaoruko
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic:Let’s talk about diet and health
Abstract: Do you know ‘non-communicable diseases (NCDs)’ ? NCDs, also known as chronic diseases or life-style related diseases, are a general term for diseases associated with high-risk life style behaviors. According to a WHO statement (, NCDs cause 41 million death each year, equivalent to 74% of all deaths globally. And unhealthy diet is one of the risk factors most closely associated with NCDs. In this lecture, you will first learn the basic knowledges of NCDs. The student is then asked to summarize and present the characteristics of NCDs profiles in their own countries using a web-based information. Through your presentation, let's think and talk about diet and health.
Day and Time: July 22 Mon 11:10am-12:40am
Lecturer: Nagase Nobuko
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Labor Practices and Social Insurance Policies in Japan(1)
Abstract: In the first part of the class, I would talk about specific features of Japanese labor market as well as social insurance system that have encouraged gender division of labor within households. I would like to also talk about the change in attitude among the younger generation and also the change in the work and family formation behavior among the younger cohorts.
Day and Time: July 23 Tue 9:30am-11:00am
Lecturer: Nagase Nobuko
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Labor Practices and Social Insurance Policies in Japan(2)
Abstract: In the second part of the class, I would like you to share with us how you would seek work in your country, and how you envision your work and your life up to late thirties so that we can exchange ideas with each other while explaining about labor market and labor practices in your own home country.
Day and Time: July 22 Tue 11:10am-12:40am
Lecturer: Iida Kaoruko
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Let’s talk about diet and health
Day and Time: July 24 Wed 1:20pm-TBA
Lecturer: Tripette Julien
Place: To be advised
Topic: Field Trip
Topic: Field Trip
Topic: Field Trip
Day and Time: July 25 Thu 11:10am-12:40am
Lecturer: Tripette Julien
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Active lifestyle, health and technology(1)
While physical inactivity is consistently ranked among the top preventable factors contributing to mortality, health policies aiming at promoting active behaviors may lack the necessary support to be efficiently applied at the individual level. In this lecture, we will explore how technologies help measure and promote physical activities. We will provide an overview of the available wearable technology embedded in contemporary activity trackers. Finally, we will present results from studies related to the evaluation of physical behaviors that are conducted at Ochanomizu University. Students will be evaluated based on their attendance and by submitting a 1- to 2-page mini report.
Day and Time: July 26 Fri 11:10am-12:40am
Lecturer: Tripette Julien
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Active lifestyle, health and technology(2)
Day and Time: July 29 Mon 9:30am-11:00am
Lecturer: Ito Hiroyuki
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Understanding mental health problems in children and adolescents
Abstract: During childhood and adolescence, various mental health problems such as school absenteeism, bullying, self-injury, delinquency, and abnormal eating become apparent and severe. It is an important social issue to clarify the mechanism of these problems and to find measures for their prevention and intervention. However, understanding and predicting child development is difficult for two reasons. First, development is influenced by numerous factors at multiple levels: genetic, physiological, psychological, familial, and social. Second, these factors constantly change over time and interact with each other. Developmental psychopathology, which examines the causes and mechanisms of children's mental health problems over time, addresses these issues by integrating data from three levels: (1) the biological, including genes, brain structure and function, and physical health and development; (2) the psychological, including thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and (3) the social-cultural, including family, friends, school, community, and culture. This talk will provide an overview of the framework and approach of developmental psychopathology and present findings from a large longitudinal study conducted in Japan by the speakers' research group.
Day and Time: July 29 Mon 11:10am-12:40am
Lecturer: Ito Hiroyuki
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Understanding mental health problems in children and adolescents
Day and Time: July 30 Tue 9:30am-11:00am
Lecturer: Tripette Julien
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Active lifestyle, health and technology(3)
Day and Time: July 30 Tue 11:10am-12:40am
Lecturer: Tripette Julien
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Active lifestyle, health and technology(3)
Day and Time: July 31 Wed 9:30am-11:00am
Lecturer: Kotani Masao
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Japanese legal culture
Abstract: In this lecture, I will explain the legal culture in Japan. Specifically, the lecture will use the example of dismissal in the field of labor law. What does it mean
Day and Time: July 31 Wed 11:10am-12:40am
Lecturer: Kotani Masao
Place: Plaza 3F Seminar room
Topic: Japanese legal culture



サマープログラムについての一般な問い合わせはサマープログラム事務局, ocha-summer[@] まで連絡ください。